Angela McEllin

With almost thirty year’s professional culinary experience, Angela is a fully qualified Master Decorator with a background not only in baking and sugarcraft but also in various other artistic disciplines including painting, sculpting, and mosaics. You may recognize Angela from her guest appearances highlighting recipes and entertaining ideas on the Sunrise News Show on NBC’s affiliate station WESH 2 in Orlando. She has also been featured on the ‘Wedding Cakes’ segment for the Discovery Channel’s ‘How It’s Made’ program.
Angela has taught a variety of classes from basic baking skills for children and hobby bakers through to PME Master’s Diploma courses and private tuition for professional chefs. Most recently, she worked with local charity Promise In Brevard to set up a Culinary Training Program tailored to special needs young adults. Setting up her own training academy focusing on baking, pastry arts and cake decorating has been a lifelong dream and the Florida Academy of Baking is the culmination of many years of planning.